Liam Payne, the former One Direction star, has tragically passed away at the age of 31 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, after reportedly falling from a hotel balcony on Wednesday. According to hotel staff, they called the police due to concerns about a guest exhibiting erratic behavior, believed to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Upon arrival, police discovered a much more serious situation than anticipated.
Emergency services rushed to the scene, where many details about the British singer’s untimely death remain unclear. An anonymous young woman, also staying at the hotel, provided insight into the moments leading up to the incident. She described encountering Payne waiting by the elevator, where he expressed a desire for recognition, saying, “Yes, I’m Liam,” before inviting her to join him in the lift for a hug.
Approximately ten minutes later, the woman returned to the lobby and found Payne visibly distressed, reportedly reacting to something upsetting on his laptop. She recalled, “He took the computer, shouted ‘f*** this s***,’ and started bashing it on the ground.” Witnesses noted that Payne appeared aggressive, with dilated pupils and signs of being heavily under the influence.
Despite being due to check out that morning, Payne lingered in the hotel lobby. After his outburst, a member of his entourage apologized for his behavior, stating that Payne “just gets so high sometimes.” Later, after returning to his room, Payne reportedly stumbled and fell, which ultimately led to his tragic death.
Hotel staff were alerted after Payne’s fall and called emergency services, who arrived shortly thereafter but confirmed he had passed away. Initial reports suggested he had jumped from the balcony, but the autopsy indicated he had fallen inside the hotel. Police later discovered medications, including Clonazepam—a drug used for epilepsy and panic disorders—in his room, alongside evidence of substance use.
Liam had been in Argentina with his girlfriend, Kate Cassidy, who reportedly left the country following an emotional exchange in which he begged her to stay. Friends of Payne noted that this incident may have contributed to his distress.
In the aftermath of his death, Cassidy took to Instagram to express her grief, writing, “I loved you unconditionally and completely. I will continue to love you for the rest of my life.” Just hours before his passing, Payne shared cheerful videos with Cassidy, detailing his plans to play polo, which seemed to be filmed days prior.
As the music world mourns the loss of the talented artist, many questions remain about the circumstances surrounding his final hours. Fans and friends alike are encouraged to share their memories and support for Liam during this difficult time.