Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have long been subjects of intense media scrutiny, with every public appearance meticulously analyzed. Their recent visit to Colombia was no exception. The royal couple was warmly welcomed by vibrant and colorful traditional dancers, representing Colombia’s rich cultural heritage. However, what should have been a moment of mutual respect and cultural exchange has sparked controversy. Critics argue that Harry and Meghan’s reactions during the ceremony appeared detached and unprofessional, raising questions about their understanding of cultural decorum and the expectations of royal diplomacy.



Colombia, a country rich in cultural traditions, places a high value on respect and seriousness during official ceremonies. The dancers, adorned in elaborate costumes, represented the deep cultural history of the nation. Such performances are not merely entertainment but are symbolic of the country’s identity and heritage. For many Colombians, the respect and seriousness with which foreign dignitaries receive these performances are seen as a reflection of their appreciation and understanding of Colombian culture.


n the image from their visit, Harry and Meghan are seen posing with the dancers and local dignitaries. While their smiles and relaxed postures might be interpreted as an attempt to appear approachable, some have criticized their demeanor as overly casual and dismissive. Particularly, their facial expressions—described by some as smirks—have been perceived as a lack of seriousness and respect for the occasion.

Critics argue that, given the formality of the event, a more solemn and respectful demeanor would have been appropriate. This is not the first time the couple has faced such criticism. Their relaxed, sometimes informal approach to royal duties has often been a point of debate, particularly in contrast to the more traditional and formal approach typically seen in other members of the British royal family.



In international diplomacy, understanding and respecting cultural norms is crucial. Public figures, especially those representing a nation, are expected to adapt to the cultural expectations of the countries they visit. In Colombia, as in many other nations, official ceremonies are treated with the utmost seriousness. The demeanor of visiting dignitaries is closely watched as a sign of their respect for the host country’s culture and traditions.

Harry and Meghan, as former senior members of the British royal family, are well-versed in the importance of such cultural sensitivity. Their perceived lack of seriousness during the Colombian welcome, therefore, raises questions about their current approach to public duties and diplomatic engagements. It suggests a possible shift in their public persona, one that may not align with the expectations of the global communities they interact with.




Public reaction to Harry and Meghan’s demeanor in Colombia has been mixed. Some have defended the couple, arguing that their smiles and relaxed behavior were intended to show friendliness and approachability. They suggest that the criticism is an overreaction, fueled by the ongoing scrutiny of the couple’s every move.

Others, however, see the incident as a serious misstep. For these critics, the couple’s behavior reflects a broader pattern of disrespect for the formalities that come with their public roles. This incident has added to the narrative that Harry and Meghan, in their quest for independence from royal duties, have lost touch with the responsibilities and decorum expected of them.



The controversy surrounding Harry and Meghan’s visit to Colombia highlights a key challenge for public figures: balancing approachability with the respect and seriousness that official events demand. While it is important for public figures to appear relatable and friendly, they must also be mindful of the cultural and formal expectations of the events they attend.

For Harry and Meghan, this incident may serve as a reminder of the fine line they must walk as global public figures. As they continue to navigate their roles outside of the traditional royal structure, maintaining an awareness of and respect for cultural expectations will be crucial to their success in international engagements.




Harry and Meghan’s visit to Colombia was intended to be a moment of cultural exchange and diplomatic goodwill. However, their perceived lack of seriousness during the welcome ceremony has sparked controversy, with critics questioning their understanding of and respect for Colombian culture. As the couple continues to carve out their roles on the global stage, this incident serves as a reminder of the importance of cultural sensitivity and the need to balance approachability with the decorum that official events demand. In an era where every gesture is scrutinized, Harry and Meghan’s challenge will be to navigate these expectations while remaining true to their own identities and values.