DUCHESS MY FOOT! Meg FIGHTS With CEO Ted Sarandos At Netflix Headquarters Over Cooking Show Skills

Meghan FIGHTS With CEO Ted Sarandos At Netflix Headquarters Over Cooking Show Rejection

Alright, so here’s what reportedly happened. Back in March, Meghan pitched Ted and other Netflix execs on doing a highly produced cooking show where she would highlight recipes and entertain guests in her California home. She wanted Netflix to fully fund the show and give it a prominent slot in their lineup. However, after reviewing Meghan’s proposal, Ted and the other execs decided to pass on the project. They felt the concept wasn’t compelling enough and didn’t have broad appeal.

When Meghan found out her show was rejected, she was furious. She called Ted immediately and demanded a face-to-face meeting at Netflix headquarters in Los Angeles to discuss the decision. Ted reluctantly agreed to meet with her, thinking he could calmly explain their reasoning and try to smooth things over. Boy, was he wrong!

On the agreed upon day, Meghan marched into Netflix’s offices with her husband Harry and her business manager in tow. She burst into Ted’s office unannounced and got right in his face, yelling at the top of her lungs that he had made a huge mistake rejecting her idea. She called him incompetent and said he didn’t understand her star power and reach as a global celebrity. Ted calmly tried to respond but Meghan wouldn’t let him get a word in.