Meghan Markle recently made headlines during her and Prince Harry’s final engagement in Colombia.


The couple attended the Petronio Álvarez Pacific Music Festival in Quibdó, where Harry attempted to connect with the crowd. However, it was Meghan who undeniably stole the spotlight. As the evening unfolded, Harry took the stage with Colombia’s Vice President, Francia Márquez, at his side. He began his speech in Spanish, greeting the audience warmly and expressing his gratitude for their reception—a moment that could have been a small victory for Harry, an opportunity to shine on his own. But Meghan had other plans.



With a look of sheer delight, Meghan eagerly nodded when Harry requested her assistance in translating his words into Spanish. What followed was an extravagant display that left many questioning who the true star of the evening was meant to be. After each of Harry’s sentences, Meghan swooped in, snatching the microphone from his hands with a sense of entitlement. While translating might seem like a straightforward task, Meghan transformed it into her own personal performance. The crowd’s cheers appeared to fuel her need for attention, and soon she was clutching the microphone as if it were a cherished possession.

Meanwhile, Harry stood by, seemingly resigned to his role as the perpetual sidekick. His demeanor, with his head bowed, suggested a sense of defeat. The video footage of the event captured a scene that words alone cannot fully convey: Meghan basking in the adulation of the crowd, practically glowing with joy as she held on to the microphone. The Vice President’s gaze shifted from Harry, who appeared increasingly sidelined, to Meghan, who was clearly reveling in the moment. One might even speculate that Meghan’s wiglet was improperly positioned, given the unusual euphoria she seemed to experience.



The sight of Meghan, with her disheveled hair and ostentatious walk, monopolizing the spotlight was cringeworthy, even for the most seasoned observers. Her smug, Cheshire Cat-like smile was the icing on the cake as she relished every second of attention. It was as though the microphone and the camera were her two true loves, and she was determined to let nothing— not even her royal husband—distract from the moment.




As for Harry, the once-proud prince now appears reduced to little more than a prop in Meghan’s relentless pursuit of fame. It’s a tragic twist for the man who once penned a book about the trials of being the “spare.” Now, he seems relegated to the dust beneath Meghan’s designer shoes. The irony is stark: Harry, the son of King Charles III, has been overshadowed by a former actress who was once a minor character on an obscure soap opera. Yet here she is, acting as if she is the true star of the show.

It’s almost laughable to think that Meghan, who was relatively unknown until recently, now parades herself as a global advocate for women, despite her limited charitable contributions compared to countless volunteers worldwide. In classic Meghan fashion, she translated Harry’s words while conveniently neglecting to return the microphone. What was intended to be a celebration of culture became yet another display of Meghan’s insatiable hunger for attention. The children on stage, who should have been the focus, were noticeably uninterested, their reactions a stark contrast to Meghan’s over-the-top enthusiasm. As the couple left the stage, one couldn’t help but wonder who the real “prince” was—Meghan with her mic-snatching antics or Harry, the man who once had it all but now seems to have lost his voice. The answer, it seems, is as clear as the smug smile on Meghan’s face.