Cynthia Erivo, the renowned actress and Broadway star, who is set to play Elphaba in the upcoming Wicked movie alongside Ariana Grande, has stirred significant discussion within the Hollywood and musical theater community. The controversy began when a fan edited the new Wicked movie poster to resemble the original Broadway version. The fan shared their edit on TikTok, sparking Erivo’s public response.
In the fan edit, the poster was altered to include features from the iconic Broadway artwork, which resulted in covering Erivo’s eyes with the brim of a hat. Erivo took to Instagram to express her anger, comparing the fan’s alteration to some of the worst instances of offensive content she had encountered. She described the edit as “deeply hurtful” and likened it to degrading jokes and inappropriate AI depictions that had targeted her previously.
Erivo’s passionate response ignited a debate online. Many fans and members of the theater community felt that her reaction was an overreach. Critics pointed out that the fan edit seemed to be made in good faith, simply referencing the classic Broadway design without any ill intent toward Erivo. Some fans felt that Erivo’s response was unnecessarily dramatic and detracted from the spirit of artistic freedom that often surrounds fan creations.
While Erivo argued that covering her eyes in the poster felt like an erasure of her as an actress and person, many online commenters suggested that she may have taken the matter too personally. The general sentiment was that Erivo, as the star of one of the most anticipated musical adaptations, may not need to take every fan edit as a personal affront, especially when there was no malicious intent behind it.
The incident has now become one of the year’s most talked-about overreactions, with many fans continuing to weigh in on social media about the boundaries between fan edits and artistic respect for actors. Some suggest that while actors deserve consideration, they also need to recognize that fan art and edits are often made out of admiration rather than critique.
As the Wicked movie release date draws nearer, Erivo’s comments have certainly added a layer of unexpected drama to the anticipation. Fans are now left wondering how this situation may impact the broader reception of the film.