“Heaven by Then” is a poignant country rock song by Brantley Gilbert, featuring Blake Shelton and Vince Gill, released on November 10, 2022. This track serves as the second single from Gilbert’s sixth studio album, So Help Me God.
The song reflects on the rapid pace of modern life and the desire to be in heaven before witnessing certain societal changes. Blake Shelton contributes a verse that emphasizes the love for the country lifestyle, expressing a hope to be in heaven before witnessing the loss of traditional values. Vince Gill’s harmonies add depth to the chorus, enhancing the song’s emotional impact.
“Heaven by Then” achieved notable success on the charts, peaking at number 29 on the US Country Airplay chart and number 25 on the US Country Digital Song Sales chart.
The collaboration between Gilbert, Shelton, and Gill brought together artists from different eras, blending their unique styles to create a memorable track that resonates with fans of country music.
“Heaven by Then” exemplifies the enduring appeal of country music and the power of collaboration among artists to convey heartfelt messages through song.