In a stunning turn of events, Meghan Markle is reportedly devastated after a public critique from a high-profile figure connected to the late Princess Diana. The Duchess of Sussex has often portrayed herself as a modern-day version of Diana, a narrative that has captivated many but now faces a sharp rebuke from none other than Tina Brown, a former Vanity Fair editor and confidant of Diana.
Brown, in a candid podcast interview, did not hold back in her assessment of Meghan, calling her ideas “flawed” and going as far as to suggest that her plans have led to disastrous outcomes. Brown, whose connection to Diana has long been cherished by royal watchers, revealed that she found Markle’s approach to public life misguided and poorly executed.
This critique has reportedly left Meghan inconsolable. According to insiders, the Duchess admired Tina Brown immensely, having read her books to better understand her husband’s connection to his late mother. Meghan’s fascination with Diana has always been evident, from her wardrobe choices to her public persona, often drawing parallels between herself and the “People’s Princess.”
However, being compared unfavorably to her own icon has been a bitter pill to swallow. Sources close to the Sussex camp say Meghan was left reeling by Brown’s comments, especially considering her deep admiration for the editor. She believed Brown could offer insights into how to navigate life as a royal outsider, just as Diana once did. Instead, she was met with harsh criticism.
Brown’s remarks come at a time when Meghan has been facing mounting scrutiny in both the press and the entertainment industry. A recent piece in The Hollywood Reporter also painted a damning picture, with anonymous sources claiming that Markle’s leadership and decisions have alienated former staff members and collaborators.
But what might be most telling in this situation is Prince Harry’s response. Despite the growing backlash, Harry has firmly stood by Meghan’s side. According to those familiar with the couple, he remains fiercely protective of his wife and is quick to defend her against what they both perceive as unfair attacks.
The controversy has reignited conversations about Meghan’s role within the royal family, especially in light of her strained relationship with her own father. The parallels between her treatment of her family and the public narrative she’s trying to create about Diana have been questioned by critics who argue that Meghan’s attempts to emulate Diana are shallow and lack the substance of the late princess’s legacy.
As more voices come forward criticizing the Duchess, the question remains: will this latest public spat affect her ongoing media ventures? Brown herself issued a challenge during the interview, urging Meghan to show tangible successes since leaving the British monarchy. Instead of reacting with “crocodile tears,” Brown suggested that Meghan should silence critics by proving her capabilities.
The drama surrounding Meghan Markle and Prince Harry continues to unfold, with each new revelation stirring more intrigue.