$300M Rich Singer Sent Nude Calvin Klein Underwear Pics to Mark Wahlberg: “You don’t send a guy pictures of this”

Mark Wahlberg has had a force of presence ever since his foray into the industry but he has never been one to attract the attention and being the intended target of unwarranted nude pictures from $300 million worth singer and sensation, Justin Bieber. And this holds out for two important reasons – for one, Wahlberg has left behind his Calvin Klein days far behind him. And two, Justin Bieber is not one to direct such unwanted advances toward Marky Mark without having a very strong argument to support his subsequent action.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber Once Sent His Nudes to Mark Wahlberg

The Baby singer, Justin Bieber rose to global stardom and revolutionized his entry into the industry by establishing himself as a musical teen idol with his genre-bending pop albums and experimental collaborations. Climbing to the #1 rank in the US with his chart-topping singles and record-breaking tunes, Bieber has not been without his fair share of controversies – a facet of publicity and fame that haunts every artist and celebrity cursed with walking the path less traveled. And there definitely is more to the once-teen heartthrob than being the epicenter of every Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber feud and fan fiction.

The singer’s Calvin Klein ad has been blowing up the internet ever since its launch in 2017. However, there has been one epic story that accompanies the impressive picture other than Bieber’s soulful eyes and tattooed beauty. Apparently, this photo belonged to the popular nude collection that the $300 million worth singer forwarded to Hollywood legend, Mark Wahlberg.

Justin Bieber poses for Calvin KleinJustin Bieber poses for Calvin Klein

As was well-known in the early 90s, the then relatively unknown Wahlberg packed a punch with his one iconic Calvin Klein ad that involved a never-before-seen or attempted nonchalance and smirking disinterest coupled with a bit of cro*ch-grabbing. When placed beside one another, Bieber’s pose looks very much like the modern-day reproduction of the infamous 90s ad. In response to receiving Bieber’s nude, Wahlberg later commented:

“He is a very nice young man. He is a friend of mine. I’ve spent time with him. He did send me the pictures. I was like, ‘You don’t send a guy pictures like this.’ [Justin] was proud. It was a big deal for him to do it. I was like, I’m at 45, a dad, a husband, and a father of four, I’m trying to move away from that image.”

So far, Wahlberg has been successful in moving away from that image. His extensive and brilliant career filled with dramatic, headstrong, comedic, and action roles and collaborations with directors like Martin Scorsese, Peter Jackson, David O. Russell, and Tim Burton has placed him high above the rest of his contemporaries with a long way to go.

Mark Wahlberg Immortalized By His Calvin Klein Ad

Hollywood’s reach has been well known to artists all over the world, not because of its exploits but due to the sway it holds over the people for its glittering façade and glamorous lifestyle. And one of the side effects comprises being immortal in the public’s eye – including the unearthing of every single job, no matter how short-lived or odd it was, and every single picture, irrespective of circumstances in which it was taken, and putting them up for display, mockery, and scrutiny. For Mark Wahlberg, that includes his old Calvin Klein ad, although it is not as secretive as he usually makes it out to be.

Mark WahlbergMark Wahlberg

The underwear ad which ran during the early 90s stole the sidelong and often inconspicuous looks of millions of flabbergasted onlookers as they stared up at the billboards and advertisements in sheer wonder. Despite rumors swirling around a then 22-year-old Wahlberg making life difficult for his associates which includes the famous Kate Moss (then 21) herself, the picturesque ads live on longer than the controversies which were quick to die down.

Source: Conan

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