Removing a Tick from Our Puppy: Our First Experience with Cashew
Hey guys! We’ve got a bit of a situation with our puppy, Cashew. It’s our first problem with him, and it’s a big one—he has a tick on his ear. Carolina found it, and she’s really afraid of it, so now I need to step in and help remove it. To make it easier, we have this tool that helps with tick removal, so we’re going to give it a try. Cashew is so adorable, but this tick is, well, gross.
The biggest challenge here is keeping him calm. Cashew is just a puppy, and he keeps moving around. Thankfully, Carolina is going to help me keep him still, and Leo is going to help by filming the process for us. Leo, can you help me film? Leo is only four years old, so the camera is going to shake a little bit. But that’s okay; we’ll get through it together.
First, we need Cashew to sit still. “Sit! Good boy,” I say. It’s tough because he’s a puppy and wants to move, but we finally manage to get him to stay calm. We work together as a team, and the process goes smoothly. The tick comes off, and Cashew is free!
Carolina, how do you feel now? “I’m still scared of it, but it’s over. I put the tick in the trash, and I think I killed it. It was awful!” she says. Honestly, it was a little scary at first, but once we got the hang of it, it was really simple. The fork tool made it much easier than we expected.
I’m so proud of how we all worked together. Cashew is fine now, and we can all relax. “Thank you, Dad, for doing this! I couldn’t have done it without you,” Carolina says. It’s true; removing a tick is a bit gross, but it’s definitely something we had to do for Cashew’s health.
For those of you who might find yourselves in the same situation with your pets, I hope this video helps. It’s a simple process, and if we can do it, so can you! Ticks are definitely disgusting creatures, but with the right tools, it’s not as scary as it seems.
Thanks for watching, and we hope this helps someone out there dealing with the same problem! Everything’s okay with Cashew now, and we’re so happy he’s safe and tick-free.