Before meeting Diddy, Usher was just a kid who believed he was destined for greatness. He always dreamed of making a name for himself, convinced that if he didn’t believe it, no one else would. At only 13 years old, the world began to notice his talent. People believed this young man was going places, even calling him the next Michael Jackson.


What to know about Usher and his kids - ABC News


However, in order to become a star, Usher had to spend a year with a man he barely knew: Sean “Diddy” Combs. Diddy, who at the time had changed his name to “Love,” took Usher under his wing, sending him to New York City to attend something called “Puffy Flavor Camp.” When asked later if that experience took away from his childhood, Usher’s response was complex. For him, Flavor Camp was his last chance at having a career, a make-or-break moment. Giving up wasn’t an option—there was always a way forward.

Despite horrific allegations surrounding Diddy, Usher didn’t just survive Flavor Camp—he thrived. But it wasn’t without challenges. Usher recalled the first day he was preparing for a showcase for his record company when disaster struck: he lost his voice. He remembered singing high notes and suddenly feeling a headache; puberty was changing his voice, and he feared it might never come back. Usher had waited his entire life for this opportunity, but now he stood before an audience, unsure if he could perform.

Usher’s mother was instrumental in his journey. She was determined to fight for his dream and refused to let the record label drop him. At 13, Usher’s mother was hell-bent on making him a star. She was strict but always by his side, not just as a mother but as his manager. When they had their next meeting with the label, it was clear that sacrifices needed to be made if Usher was going to keep his dream alive.

Diddy, who Usher didn’t know well at the time, was present at that meeting. He told Usher, “You’re going to have to trust me.” Puff Daddy became Usher’s legal guardian, taking the young singer under his mentorship and showing him the life of an artist. Usher was sent to New York City for Flavor Camp, and though his mother wasn’t thrilled, Usher wanted to entertain. He told his mother, “Don’t worry, I’ll be gone by 14.”


Usher được nhắc đến trong vụ rapper Diddy bị điều tra buôn bán tình dục


While Diddy was an incredibly talented producer, working with him came at a cost. Usher was thrown into a world he didn’t fully understand. He was surrounded by grown women and witnessed things most kids his age wouldn’t even dream of. Diddy’s parties were infamous for their excess, filled with drugs, orgies, and questionable behavior. The rumors about Diddy’s parties continued to mount, with allegations of inappropriate behavior and exploitation.

Despite all this, Diddy gave Usher something he’d never had: freedom. He taught Usher what it meant to be an artist, what it meant to be passionate. For Usher, who grew up without a father, Diddy became a father figure. Usher had spent years seeking attention, going above and beyond to ensure he was noticed. His talent in singing and dancing was his way of compensating for the absence of a father’s love.

Diddy and Usher worked on Usher’s first album together, and even though Usher’s voice had changed, Diddy made him feel accepted. He helped Usher understand that even if he couldn’t sing or rap, there was still a place for him in the industry. Diddy provided Usher with guidance at a time when he needed it most, becoming the father figure he lacked growing up.

As Usher’s career took off, his work ethic became legendary. He credited Diddy for teaching him the importance of commitment, saying, “I don’t sleep to this day,” recalling Diddy writing a song for 30 days straight. This dedication to his craft led to Usher’s eventual success, becoming one of the most committed and sexiest artists in the industry. His confidence grew, and he wasn’t shy about owning his identity.


Diddy and Justin Bieber seen in another resurfaced clip in which he grills then-16-year-old pop singer about why he kept his distance from him: 'Starting to act different, huh?' | Daily Mail


But despite getting everything he ever dreamed of, something was still missing. Even as he celebrated his accolades, he would wonder, “Where’s Dad?” As Usher became a father himself, he realized he didn’t want to repeat the mistakes of his own father. So, he reached out to him. However, Usher’s father was in intensive care, needing a liver transplant, and Usher had to make the heartbreaking decision of whether to keep him on life support or not. Tragically, his father slipped into a coma during the transplant process and never recovered. To make matters even more poignant, while Usher was making this life-altering decision about his father, his own son was being born across town.

Usher had hoped to mend the relationship with his father so that his son would know where his name came from, but he lost that opportunity. Determined not to repeat history, Usher vowed to be present in his children’s lives. Now, he watches over his kids with the same attentiveness his mother showed him, holding them to high standards and teaching them the importance of hard work and process.

Although Usher eventually distanced himself from Diddy, he acknowledged that Diddy had taught him valuable lessons about freedom and responsibility. As a father, Usher gives his kids the freedom to be themselves, much like Diddy did for him. Usher is committed to being a present father, ensuring that his children will never experience the absence of a father figure, as he did.

Now, Usher celebrates his children’s milestones, like his son’s 14th birthday, vowing never to miss a moment. Reflecting on his tumultuous journey, Usher believes that life’s challenges prepare you for something greater, and that’s the philosophy he continues to live by.